Balazs Sarkany

Every living thing that comes into the world has its own task, which it must perform as long as life allows it to do so. I can call myself lucky to know what I have to do. I have to love, to listen, to understand and to work, that is, to create. I believe in the power of creativity and creation, which we need more and more.
In my works, I try to process impulses and stimuli, in such a way that I try to concentrate on the reactions that seep from my conscious and subconscious layers and then translate them into a plastic form. I also draw from the world of fairy tales, fables and sacred stories, as they contain basic truths and lessons. In my plastic language I use a simple form of expression, for the sake of few but true words.
In my sculptures I try to show the duality and tension that results from the almost continuous struggle between the animal instinct and the spiritual being. Thus, my works are born from a mixture of abstract and figurative geometric forms.

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