
Decorate your space

Order your custom opus collection for your corporation or building.

Marmentini is modular Opus connection opens The possibilities of adapting a modular art project matching your site, home, hotel or Corporation. The custom made Monotypes created with silkscreen printing technique Allow us to choose the colour palette and sizes Pretty much in your corporate colours, As an exclusive way to complete your collection with ceramic bas-reliefs or a stone sculpture. These creations are specially created for the client Conserving the essence of free creation, that is the axis of Marmentini’s ongoing modular Opus project.

    VisitPrivate visit with dinner

    Visitas Grupales o Visita Privada

      Ide egy mondat kéne, hogy gyere és nézd meg a saját szemeddel a Sárkányt. Pár szót kéne tenni, hogy kis és nagycsoportos megkereséeket is jöhetnek és, hogy arra kedvezmény van (ha van).